- 5 749 page loads.
- 2 847 unique visitors for an average of 17 a day .
- 2 280 first time visitors for an average of 14 a day.
- 567 returning visitors for an average of 3 a day.
Since the last three months :
- 4 306 page loads
- 2 145 unique visitors for an average of 23 a day.
- 1 720 first ime visitors for an average of 18 a day.
- 425 returning vitors for an average of 5 a day.
So has you can see connections have been increasing and I hope it will keep on the same way. For such a specific blog I am quite happy specialy since I am not doing any advertising or mass emailing etc etc... I just let the blog leave its own life.
Thanks for those of you who come back from time to time I hope you find the information interesting. At least I do my best to make no judgement and just provide with information about luxury catamarans. Please leave me your comments if you have any.
There is always a way to suscribe to this blog using the feedblizz account on the right side of the blog this will prevent you from being spammed.
If you are in the business or related activities and you want to exchange links please let me know.
If you got connections to your website through my blog then this is great news, if you can let me know it would be Nice.
I will be gone next week to the Monaco Yacht Show and will come back with some fresh news I hope.
1 comment:
Dear Fabien
I found this page that shows some interesting yachts! check it out:
Congratulations on your blog!
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