May 23, 2008

VPLP - ORACLE PARTNERSHIP for th 33 r America's Cup

The design team left Vincent Lauriot Prévost, Marc Van Peteghem, Russell Coutts, Mike Drummond, Mick Kermarec,

I have to admit I kind of gave up with following the America's Cup because I think it's losts its "Yachting Spirit". Some of you will smile but for me it is a real concept. If you log on the official website all you'll find for the 33 rd is the list of court hearnigs, lawsuits, orders... It is a shame and it is really boring, this should be about sailing, sportmanship, and racing not legal fights. Louis Vuitton even dropped out after 25 years of sponsorship.

Any way at least on good news we will see some multihulls and VPLP has been selected by the Oracle team. Of course I don't think we will get many information on the design before the launching but any way, I am really happy for them.

Russels Coutts skipper and Larry Ellison aftergard.

The pictures for the BMW-ORACLE team are from Gilles Martin-Raget. If you like yachts pictures I recommend you to get connected on his website.

Larry Ellison co-founded and is the CEO of Oracle. He owns one RISING SUN of the largest motor yacht in the world.

Pictures of Merijn de Waard who also created

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