Showing posts with label outbrain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label outbrain. Show all posts

December 13, 2007


I am very proud Blogrush has approved my blog. Blogrush promotes a network of high-quality blogs by carrefully reviewing their content. I have added on the side bar the Blogrush widget so you can have links to high quality blogs.

This is part of the improvements I have recently done on the blog. As you can see at the bottom of each post you have different tools available to use. The Bookmark dropdown button enables you to add luxury catamaran directly to your favorite or to social networks such as facebook, do not hesitate to use them.

You can also use the email link to email the post directly to friends or sucribe to the feed or stumble it thanks the the Feedburner's tools.
Finally you can rate the posts using the Outbrain widget.

I recenlty read an article untitled is 37 to old to become a geek ? What do you thing. Any way, those tools have greatly increased the number of connections to the blog so if you like luxurycatamaran you can help me promote it. What would be the use of writing about a subject I like if it was not the pleasure to know many people read it.

Finally send me any comments on this blog and any news you would like me to post, any interesting links I could use. Also other blogger tips to promote luxurycatamaran are welcome.

I am planning to launch two other blogs by the end of the year so stay tuned.

By the end of the week a post about the NAHEMA 120 moulds with pictures --- amazing.